Steve’s primary focus has been providing solutions in the regulatory compliance and fair lending space for banks, government agencies and mortgage lenders. He supported numerous clients on consent orders, lawsuits and engagements touching such issues as Credit Risk Grading, Fair Lending, Fraud, Default Management, MBS representation and warranties breaches, Portfolio evaluations and Technology Transformations. A senior business leader with a strong background in consulting, strategic planning, program and policy design and transformational management across start-up organizations, small financial companies, and Fortune 500 corporations, Steve excels at leadership, project management, teamwork and managing initiatives.
Knowledgeable and highly dedicated, Steve offers skills in strategic planning, policy formulation, Credit Risk Grading, Mortgage Servicing and transformational leadership. Over the course of 35+ years, he and his teams have delivered precise solutions to complex regulatory and financial challenges. His passion for client engagement led Steve to shape large-scale programs at Fortune 500 companies, Government Sponsored Enterprises and Independent Mortgage Banks.
Steve earned his BS from Longwood University before graduating from the MBAA School of Mortgage Banking. Later he graduated from the Wells Fargo Reverse Mortgage Banking School. He passed NMLS Course for mortgage loan origination, License # 1752908 in 2018. Steve also completed the requirements to be a HUD Approved HECM Counselor, and is going through the process to earn a Certified Risk Management Professional (CRMP) designation from the Risk Insurance Management Society. Steve has been involved in 15+ expert witness cases since 2013.
Steve has been active with the local and state MBAs and the national MBA as an instructor and multi-committee member. He is a past board member of the Richmond Mortgage Bankers Association, serving as the Programs Co-Chairman and the Ethics Chairman. He served on the Residential Committee, and membership Committee of the Virginia Mortgage Bankers Association. He served on the HUD National Homeownership Strategy (NHS) Education and Counseling Subcommittee. Steve has consulted for the education program of the Mortgage Bankers Association of America, most recently designing and delivering an FHA Fundamentals 101 training program for a very large MBA Member company.
A native New Jerseyan, he and his wife chose Richmond, Virginia as the place to raise their four children, all now grown. He gave away his set of Ping Eye golf clubs the day after his first fly fishing foray into the George Washington National Park. He spends his free time devoted to cooking, reading history, volunteering and charitable work.
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